Romans 9-11 are not dealing with God pre-determinatively calling individual Jews and Gentiles to salvation, but with the place of the nation of Israel in God’s plan of salvation [Romans 9:1-5]. These chapters answer why the gospel is to be to the Jew first [Romans 1:16], why the nation of Israel’s unbelief doesn’t thwart God’s plan [Romans 3:3-4], why Paul was willing to be accursed for Israel [Romans 9:3], and why he implored Gentile believers to bring the gospel to Jewish people that some might be saved [Romans 11:12-15]. Rev. Mark Robinson looks at these chapters verse by verse in a helpful commentary that will bring light to some difficult chapters.
PRICE $15.00 includes shipping.
Have you ever wondered how a dialogue with a Jewish person on whether or not the Messiah is God would develop?
Now there is no need to wonder. The pages of this book contain an actual exchange of letters between a Jewish man and a Messianic Jew. A dialogue of this type can take many different directions and is usually based on the comments of the other party. The book you hold in your hands is one such dialogue. Consider for yourself the reasoning that Mr. Jacob Cohen gives for rejecting that the Messiah is God and Rev. Mark Robinson gives for accepting that the Messiah is God.
You be the judge.
PRICE $15.00 includes shipping.
Through the centuries esteemed men of God with hearts for reaching the lost such as Robert Murray McCheyne, David Barron, John Wilkinson, James Gray, and Charles Spurgeon, have recognized the unique relationship between God, Israel, and evangelism. What biblical understanding did these men have regarding God’s plan for reaching the lost? Take an in depth look into what the Bible has to say about God’s design for evangelizing the nations. The contents of this book should challenge and motivate all who desire to reach the world for Christ.
PRICE $15.00 includes shipping.
Passover is a joyous festival celebrated yearly by Jewry world round. Always falling near the Christian holiday of Easter (March/April) its message is a timely one of redemption. The traditional Passover Seder may last as long as 4 hours. From the telling of the story of Israel’s redemption from Egyptian bondage, to the sumptuous banquet feast served, to the joyous songs that are sung, Jewish hearts are united as one.
For the Christian: Passover is a Jewish festival that needs to be understood. The roots of Christianity are in biblical Judaism. Communion is an ordinance given to the church that has its origin in the Jewish Passover. It was Jesus Himself who instituted the Lord’s supper—communion—at His last Passover Seder. An understanding of the Passover is vital to a Christian’s understanding of his biblical heritage.
For the Jew: The separation of Judaism and Christianity basically turns on the question of the Messiahship of Jesus. The Passover message, properly understood as originally given and presently celebrated, helps bridge this gap of separation. Not that biblical Christianity is a continuation of biblical Judaism…it is not. Biblical Christianity, though, is wholly consistent with biblical Judaism. The Passover message in our Seder today will shed light on God’s promise of redemption through the true Passover Lamb, Jesus the Messiah.
This Haggadah has been thoughtfully put together for the above two purposes. For the Christian its purpose is to shed light on his biblical roots and to help him better understand the Jewish Passover and the debt of love that is due the Jewish people. For Jewish people it is offered in the hope that they might see their promised Passover lamb, the Messiah of Israel, and the message of Him that is veiled in modern Jewry’s Passover Seder.
PRICE $8.00 includes shipping.
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Ocala, FL 34481