The billboard was the most controversial the city center had seen in years, and maybe ever. People had a myriad of opinions on its purpose and message. The message was brief – “It IS Coming!” Some thought it was a hoax. Sure, they recognized the reality of the billboard’s message, but these people believed […]
Is Israel God’s Elect Nation?
As the sands of time unfalteringly continue their flow, so is the history of the Jewish people. Week after week, year after year, century after century the people of Israel march on. No Pharaohs or Fuhrers, Crusaders or Muslims, persecutions or pogroms could wipe them out. Greater nations have arisen. Stronger powers have graced the […]
The world was shattered with the entrance of sin. Wars, famines, diseases, holocaust, murders, rapes, broken homes, abandoned children, sickness, and death all lie at the doorway of Adam’s sin. The collective heartache of all humanity throughout all history is the result of one seemingly innocuous act of disobedience to God; nevertheless, Adam’s sin does […]
Birth or labor pains is the beginning of the end of a long process. Some nine months earlier the expectant mom becomes aware of the promise of a birth. Suddenly, and in some ways unexpectedly, the first labor pain grips the body. Time is short – but, the pain will only come more rapidly and […]
Throughout the millennia, the heartbeat of the Jewish people has been the hope of the Messiah – the Messianic king who would bring peace and prosperity to not only Israel but the entire world. Moses Maimonides, known as the RamBam, an acronym for Rabbi Mosheh ben Maimon, was a rabbi, philosopher, and physician in Egypt […]
PROPHET: God’s Spokesman to the People
Long before the first priest (from the tribe of Levi) or king (from the tribe of Judah) arrived on the scene in ancient Israel, prophets graced the pages of biblical history. Unlike the priest and the king, the prophet, though certainly called by God, was not from a particular tribe. The prophet was God’s spokesman […]
ISRAEL: A Kingdom of Priests
The purpose of the priesthood was to represent sinful people before a holy God. This responsibility belonged to the Levites. The Levites themselves, though, also needed forgiveness of their sin. This is seen, for example, in the commands for the Day of Atonement recorded in Leviticus 16. In bringing Israel into existence, God commanded the Israelites […]
Israel: God’s Answer to Skeptics
The nation of Israel and her people the Jews are an enigma to this world. The preservation of the people of Israel is a contradiction of all historical trends. The uniqueness of this people is captured in an essay Mark Twain authored in 1899: If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent […]